Monday, January 28, 2008

What he should have said...

Madam Speaker, Vice President, members of the Supreme Court, members of Congress, esteemed guests,

The State of our Union is dire. My administration has failed our people, ignored and defiled the Constitution, and condemned our troops to die in an ill-advised and illegal war. We have consistently placed the greedy desires of a privileged few above the needs of the suffering majority of Americans. We have pursued policies that have contributed to the ruination of our environment, ignoring the solutions that are right in front of us. We have alienated our allies and increased the number and ferocity of the enemies of the United States. We have sullied the concept of government by, of and for the people. As an example of my gross ineptitude I will point out that I did not even give my staunchest supporters one thing I promised to do for them.

This will not be a long speech, because this august Congress will need some sleep as they have many long days and nights of work ahead to repair the damage my administration has done to America and American ideals.

(hands folder to Speaker Pelosi)

In short, I stand before you as truly the Worst President Ever, worse even than Nixon or Fillmore, guilty of international war crimes, treason, high crimes and misdemeanors. I have just given Speaker Pelosi a folder containing handcuffs and leg irons to slap on me without delay, as well as a document detailing my transgressions, naming all my co-conspirators in both government and business, and I humbly await whatever punishment this esteemed body wishes to dole out to me and co-traitor Cheney.

I cannot ask forgiveness of the American people, but I hope to someday stand before God and beg His forgiveness.

In the meantime, may Almighty God bless America and I pray that my future cellmates have at least some mercy on my pooper.

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