Thursday, January 31, 2008

And then there were four...

To the surprise of few and the dismay of many, including your intrepid commenter, John Edwards has quit the race for the Democratic nomination for president. It is widely determined that the reason is that his concern for poverty just wasn't a deal-maker with the American people.

The big question, then, going forward is which way does a liberal populist swing his/her support?

If one believes in the power of inspiration, the direction is to Barack Obama. If the inclination is towards political experience and sheerpolitical assholery, the obvious choice is Hillary Clinton.

Both candidates will have to refine their positions to appeal to the 15% Edwards drew. For a decent analysis, read Ron Klain's blog here.

That being said, Edwards' voice of reason in the campaign will be missed. Rudy Giuliani, on the other hand won't be missed, save by those who looked to continue the Bush Doctrine of Fear.

Though the Democratic contest will (perhaps) be decided in next Tuesday's mass nominating frenzy, I will wait till the Texas contest is imminent to make an endorsement... though I have to say that if Texas was among the Super Tuesday states, I would have gone with Edwards.

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