Friday, November 16, 2007

Barry Bonds... the truth we all knew...

The San Francisco Chronicle reported today that "slugger" Barry Bonds is under indictment for four counts of perjury and obstruction of justice. This is, of course, due to his lying about being on steroids during his climb to the top of the home run list.

As the record stands now, Bonds is the home run king with 762 home runs, a number that, due to the indictments, is liable to be as far as he goes. It is unlikely he'll play again, and even if he does, he'll be greeted with even more boos and giant syringes that he has in the past.

And that's as it should be, because Barry Bonds (and others, to be sure) has tainted an entire generation of baseball statistics, first with using the steroids to bulk up to freakish size, and second, simply by lying about it and arrogantly refusing to acknowledge what everyone could see was as plain as the muscles on his arms, so to speak.

Arrogance is no crime, and the history of baseball is full of unsavory characters, starting even before the Sultan of Swat himself. So, as offensive as Bonds is personally, that doesn't disqualify him for the Hall. Cheating, which is precisely what the use of steroids is, IS grounds for disqualification.

Meanwhile, in what I deem a bigger tragedy, Pete Rose, whose reputation for hustle and his lifetime hit total of 4256 inspired a generation, perhaps including Bonds, remains ineligible for the Hall of Fame. Sure, Rose bet on baseball, but the question is now as it has always been, did he bet against his team? If so, he doesn't deserve to be in the Hall.

The difference in Rose and Bonds is clear, though. You just KNOW Pete Rose never bet against the Reds (or his other teams) with the same certainly that you KNOW Bonds used steroids.

This is what baseball is about...

Not this...

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