Friday, October 12, 2007

Run, Al... save us from boring politics...

If you're into the sport of politics at all, you want Al Gore to run...
the mad stampede to the next presidential election started out wide open and would be even with Gore in the mix. How hard
do you think Hillary would fight Al for her right to party pink in the White House
for the first time in history? To my eye, she's already getting a little cocky about
the nomination. How much more brilliant and charming do you think Obama could make himself with a challenger as at ease with the camera (and the camera's ease with him) as Al Gore?

The state of the environment and America's responsibility (and liability) in it may well be the
 issue that decides the fate of man on the planet and so far the issue has gotten, 
to be charitable, short shrift from the contenders. Let's call in someone who knows the subject and has ideas about it.

There would also be a fine aroma of a bare-knucks grudge match in Al's entry as well. Fact is, Papa Clinton's indiscretions were a big part of why Gore had trouble in 2000. If Clinton had handled his personal life with some maturity for a measly eight years, he could have walked onstage at the Staples Center in LA, given Al a metaphorical clap on the back and a hearty "Al's our man" and left the stage a kingmaker... and the Gore/Edwards ticket could have waltzed in 16 years of Democratic domination of the executive branch... and who knows, maybe later Bill would have won his own Nobel...

But never mind Bill, let him share a Nobel with his pal Poppy Bush.

I predict that the Gore-Giuliani presidential debates would break viewer records, if for no other reason than to see cool, experienced nice groomed Al use 
words like blunt instruments in savaging Rudy, who looks like nothing so much as a light bulb... you want big stakes reality teevee? Here it is!

Al Gore's won a nice little accolade in the Nobel Peace Prize; it will look nice next to his Emmy. If all he wants to do is line up trophies, he's got a nice start, though the Nobel is "only" a medal. The question Gore has to ask himself, how do you follow up two once-in-a-lifetime achievements?

How could you not want this guy to at least run for president? Here he is hanging out with his pals Tom and Jon...

So yeah, Al Gore isn't perfect, as we'll see when the swift boats are inevitably launched, but at least he espouses a positive vision for the future... I can't state categorically that I would endorse him for president, hoping as I am for the emergence of a viable third party, but his entry into the fray would bring a welcome issues injection...

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